During the 14th and 16th of July the Transnational Peer Training (First Joint Staff Training) on the topic of Quality Networks in practice: key actors, skills and working methods was held in blended format (on site in Salzburg, Austria; on-line). The representative of the European Commission, the Director of ŠIOV (Slovakia) and other experts on QA were present.
Due to the difficulties connected with travel, one of the partners (CECOA, Portugal) decided to connect on-line. Despite the challenging format, Training was very successful and AK Salzburg (Austria), the organizer, ensured a perfect high level technical support. so the participants who were on-line felt like being present on-site.

The programme of the Training was rich and quite demanding, but tailor-made for the project partners needs and effective project implementation. The highlights of the programme were specially two presentations – The EQAVET network within the new Policy Framework of the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience by Anette Curth, EQAVET Secretariat (on behalf of the EC) who provided a view on current policy about skills and quality assurance of VET within the European Commission; and the presentation on the topic related to graduate tracking and feedback loops that are methods for quality assurance in VET. These methods and their usage were presented by Katalin Molnárné-Stadler, the expert on QA.
The rest of the programme was dedicated to presentations and working in groups on the topics of mapping and engaging of stakeholders to the quality networks (QNs), role of the (QNs) and a drafting of the Guidelines for QNs setting up and implementations.