On the 28 th of June, a training for VET stakeholders was held in Žilina, Slovakia. Participation from all over Slovakia included 24 participants such as VET providers and local public authorities.

The deputy director for lifelong learning, Mgr. Ľubica Gállová, presented to the participants how to understand and work with EQAVET, what is the quality cycle and quality indicators, how to build a quality culture in school and how to use quality assurance tools. Then we focused on Peer review methodology. The practical experience was presented by director Jancíková from VET School in Púchov, Slovakia.
In the afternoon session, we discussed Graduate Tracing and feedback loops mechanisms and compared best practices from abroad.

Finally, we introduced the participants to the emerging Quality Network, which is a systematic model of cooperation between VET providers, enterprises, education and training policy makers and other stakeholders. The aim of the Quality Network is to strengthen trust and facilitate mutual learning and sharing of VET quality assurance practices at national and international level.
Based on the discussion, all the stakeholders have expressed sincere interest and would like to continue in QUANTUM activities. The evaluation form shows that 88% of participants want to join Quality Network.
The event was organised within the QUANTUM project- QUAlity Networks: fine-Tuning Monitoring systems for better performances in VET project of the Erasmus+ programme (project number: 2020-1-SK01-KA202-078249).