The second face-to-face partners’ meeting from project QUANTUM took place in Lisbon on July 12th – 13th, 2022.
Almost all partners (CECOA, AK Salzburg, FORMA.Azione, ŠIOV) were present, and only one member (Regione Umbria) decided to connect online. Considering the experience of the previous blanded meeting in Austria in 2021, the participants felt confident and comfortable in dealing with technical issues during all days.

Due to the lack of face-to-face contacts, the agenda of the meeting was quite rich but adapted to the needs of the project partners. During the first day the coordinator of the QUANTUM project, ŠIOV, summarized the project activities, work-plan and finalized the intellectual output- Guidelines for QNs setting up and implementations.
In the afternoon all partners presented their progress in the Capacity building for Quality Networks implementation and sustainability.
At the end of the 1st day, we discussed the Report about implementation and impact evaluation of Quality Networks (QN).
All our doubts or open questions were answered and we helped and support each other to build and implement strong QNs in our countries.
The next day we dealt with administrative matters, started planning the next multiplier event in Bratislava, Slovakia and CECOA as organizer ended the two-day meeting in sunny Lisbon. Teh next day we looked at administrative stuff, started to plan another multiplier event in Bratislava, Slovakia, and CECOA as an organizer closed the 2day meeting in sunny Lisbon.
For more info about the QUANTUM project please visit our website: https://www.quality-networks.eu/