Compared to last year, we moved 405 km east to Košice, where during a rich program we also awarded the winners of the National Quality Award in VET 2023. This year’s award was proposed by a graduating student from SSOŠ Postupimská Košice, Stephanie Pustainová, under the guidance of Mgr. Katarína Šantová, PhD.
The conference was opened by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science in the Slovak Republic, Slavomír Partila, who in his speech drew attention to the European Year of Skills. This was followed by presentations by experts in the field of digital skills development in the context of digital transformation (presentation by doc. RNDr. D. Švedu, CSc. from the University of P.J. Šafárik in Košice), green skills in centers of excellence within the framework of lifelong learning (PaedDr. Bc. Ivana Dobešová, SZŠ Benešov, Czech Republic) or cooperation between companies and schools through the dual education system (Ing. Michal Lašanda, LEKOS s.r.o.).
In the next block Ing. S. Španielová, Ph.D., MBA from the National Pedagogical Institute (NPI) presented EDUSíŤ – a tool for connecting professionals in the field of lifelong learning and the Guide to Strategic Action Planning.
We looked at the topic of mobility abroad within the Erasmus+ program from three perspectives: the SAAIC – NA E+ program for VOP – Mgr. Alexandra Junášková, K.A.B.A. – Ms. Kubišová, and ŠIOV – Mgr. Ľubica Gállová.
The last presentation was devoted to the European topic of OSH in VET (JUDr. Z. Darivčáková, National Labour Inspectorate).
All presentations of the speakers can be found here.

After lunch, a festive program was prepared, which was opened and closed by the Timonova 2 Conservatory from Košice. In the current edition, we awarded prizes in 4 categories:
- Digital and green skills as a VET priority
- Professional development of employees
- Promoting a lifelong approach in VET
- Extraordinary personality in the field of quality assurance in VET
In total, 50 schools entered all categories, a 100% increase on last year.
The Director of the State Institute of Vocational Education (ŠIOV) Ing. Branislav Hadár, as a member of the jury, revealed that he was looking for something exceptional in the applications, what makes a school different from the others and admitted that in many cases it was only small things that made the difference, but only one can win.
The winners of each category are as follows:
- Digital and Green Skills as a VET Priority – Secondary School of Electrical Engineering, Hálova, Bratislava
- Professional development of employees- Private Secondary Vocational School SDA, Trnava
- Promoting a lifelong approach in VET- Secondary Vocational School of Mechanical Engineering, Považská Bystrica
- Extraordinary personality in the field of quality assurance of VET – Ing. Ladislav Blaškovič, Ľudovít Winter Hotel Academy, Piešt’any
In addition to the original award in the form of a tree and a diploma, the winners of the individual categories also received videos telling about the high quality they provide in the VET.

On behalf of the EQAVET team, we thank all the speakers and participants for creating an enjoyable and inspiring environment and extend our sincere congratulations to the winners.