FORMA.Azione has started its activity in 1997 as Association of Professionals and Consultants, specialized in Vocational Training Services. In 2005, thanks to the growth of its business, was turned into a LLC. It is an Accredited Regional Training Centre, since 2003 working with Public National and EU funds, such as Ministries of Culture, Social Policies, Family funds, ESF – European Social Fund, EAFRD – European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, ERASMUS + Programme, REC – Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme, AMIF – Asylum, Migration, Integration Fund, and Interprofessional funds for workers re-skilling and up-skilling. Since 2002 it is ISO 9001Certified, for designing and provision of vocational training and Adult learning services. It has developed strong relations with local and national public authorities, private companies, schools and other VET providers, Trade unions and CSOs, by designing and providing training pathways and integrated projects aimed at Human development and the educational domains growth, and their quality improvement
FORMA.Azione mission is: to create concrete opportunities for the professional and social development of the target groups, to improve access to training, in particular for low skilled adults and workers, elderly people and women, to support career and individual guidance and the related validation mechanisms, to encourage self-consciousness in managing careers and active ageing, to promote women’s access to and participation in all levels of the labour market also by combating gender stereotypes in vocational training, career selection and professions.
Since its beginning more than 9500 learners have been trained towards different professional profiles and systems of competences and around 500 teachers and trainers have provided their lessons. Its main expertise is in the following areas: Quality Assurance in VET and Adult learning, Environment protection and renewable Energies, Gender Equality, Early Childhood educators and carers professional training, Reaching out to and Career Guidance for youth and adults at risk of marginalisation, Validation of non-formal and informal learning.
Having developed a well rooted network at local and National level, FORMA.Azione maintains profitable and good relationships with VET Public Authorities, Social Partners (Trade Unions, AIDP – Italian Association for Human Resource Management, Employers’ Associations and others), CPIAs – Public Centre for Adult Learning, SMEs, Universities, Schools, Public and private employment services.
Contact persons:
Sylvia Liuti: liuti@azione.com
Chiara Palazzetti: palazzetti@azione.com